Buna ziua Numele meu este Constantin Iacob si va propun sa facem un schimb de linkuri - 3 way link exchange - in sensul ca eu voi pune linkul dumneavoastra pe http://iasimylove.blogspot.com/ iar dumneavoastra imi adaugati un link catre http://iasi365.com cu titlul Program liga 1 Astept raspuns de la dumneavoastra indiferent daca acesta este pozitiv sau negativ. In caz ca sunteti de acord trimiteti-mi um mail la adresa iacob_ctin@yahoo.com cu titlul pe care il doriti si linkul O zi buna va doresc
There is nothing normal in here. Everything is just as it is. And this is a fact. I don't intend to confuse nobody, but if u get here you may ask yourself "what am i doing here? what am i looking for? is this the place where i have to be? there is anyone here or i'm just on my own in a world that i projected myself with my mind? do i miss the sens of life? does life has a purpose indeed or is just a pure happening which i'm passing by?". Take care of your answer my friend cause of that answer depends your inner sens of being but not only the sens of being here in my world! :)
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Buna ziua
Numele meu este Constantin Iacob si va propun sa facem un schimb de linkuri - 3 way link exchange - in sensul ca eu voi pune linkul dumneavoastra pe http://iasimylove.blogspot.com/ iar dumneavoastra imi adaugati un link catre http://iasi365.com cu titlul Program liga 1
Astept raspuns de la dumneavoastra indiferent daca acesta este pozitiv sau negativ. In caz ca sunteti de acord trimiteti-mi um mail la adresa iacob_ctin@yahoo.com cu titlul pe care il doriti si linkul
O zi buna va doresc
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